Friday, April 2, 2010

"How can I help?", you ask?

Well, there are several ways I can think of, the first two of which will not cost you a thing.

First, I would really appreciate it if you would e-mail the link to this blog to everyone in St.Marys that you have an e-mail address for. Ask them to, in turn, do the same with all of their e-mail contacts. If you know for a fact that someone on your list is of the opinion that that Jay Moreno is a real jerk, then by all means e-mail it to him first!

Second, write the URL down and carry it in your wallet or purse. If you are talking politics with someone in the supermarket and you want to say "Hey, have you seen Jay Moreno's blog?", you'll have it with you. Here it is:

Third, mail your campaign donation, if you are so moved,  to Jay Moreno, 501 Victoria's Circle, St. Marys, GA, 31558. Remember, by law, I can only accept checks - no cash. Moreover, any donations of $101.00 or more must be reported by name on my campaign donation / expenditure reports, which, by the way, I will publish on this blog just after the due dates. The names of individuals contributing less than $101.00 will not be published.

I have a limited number of yard signs. Those things are nearly $6.00 each! If you would like one - especially if your home has frontage on a well traveled thoroughfare - just e-mail me. 

Lastly, anything else you would like to do to help, e-mail me at

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

I would deeply appreciate your voting for me on July 20th.

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